RS Hydro Launch the Proteus Instrumentation Range for Organic Pollution Monitoring
RS Hydro are pleased to announce the official launch of their new multi-parameter fluorometer range - Proteus instruments.
RS Hydro are pleased to announce the official launch of their new multi-parameter fluorometer range - Proteus instruments - offering unrivalled accuracy for real-time monitoring of dissolved organic matter.
Proteus Instruments represent a global scientific breakthrough in providing relatively low cost real-time data for BOD & COD.There are currently two models available: Proteus BOD (for real-time high frequency monitoring of Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and the Proteus DOC (for Dissolved Organic Carbon monitoring). Both models incorporate robust correction algorithms developed by RS Hydro through a collaborative research partnership with the University of Birmingham (Khamis et al.,
2015 &
2017). These correction factors account for potential interference from ambient environmental conditions and enable highly accurate and repeatable measurements of BOD and DOC. In addition, the Proteus is equipped with a highly durable wiper mechanism that ensures all optical windows are kept clean even in the most demanding environments (industrial/municipal effluent). The modular nature of the unit enables users to add additional monitoring parameters from a choice of > 40 commonly monitored parameters.
Proteus instruments (patent pending) is a versatile range of sensing units that can provide real-time BOD and DOC data alongside traditional parameters (pH, conductivity, turbidity etc.); thus, incorporating all your sensing needs into a single, easily deployable, low maintenance monitoring platform. The savings associated with the Proteus are comprehensive and include: 1. reduced laboratory costs, 2. reduced likelihood of fines and reputational damage, 3. energy savings through process optimization and 4. Any additional cost savings associated with BOD/DOC sampling. Proteus instruments are set to change the way reactive organic matter loads are monitoring- improving reliability, accuracy and resolution.
Added benefits of Proteus instruments:
- Real-time data - easy link up to telemetry and SCADA for alarms/alerts of specified threshold exceedance (SDI 12, RS232, MODBUS)
- Easily deployable - wide range of environments (inc. inlets, effluents, reservoirs or boreholes)
- Versatile - modular design enables a wide range of additional parameters to be recorded concurrently (e.g. Temperature, turbidity, pH, conductivity, optical DO, chlorophyll a, ORP, ammonia)
- Portable - blue-tooth option also available
- Sensitive- can detect very low concentrations for use in clean water systems
- Low maintenance - self-cleaning with automatic wiper and simple calibration only every 6 - 12 months
- Numerous applications -
- Monitoring effluents for compliance
- Development of process control algorithms
- Identification of cross-connected sewers
- Combined sewage overflow monitoring
- Environmental monitoring
14th Dec 2017