Newest Scientific Publication featuring The Proteus

Turquoise Proteus stood upright in front of a lake with a white sail boat and a blurry deck during sunset

We are proud to announce the latest scientific research piece featuring The Proteus was published in May 2021; Calibration of an in-situ fluorescence-based sensor platform for reliable BOD5 measurement in wastewater.

The study published in Water Science and Technology is the culmination of a year-long study across three different wastewater treatment works in the UK, putting Proteus through its paces to measure BOD5 at each location.

This research was generated as part of the ongoing collaboration between Proteus Instruments and the University of Birmingham and highlights how individual laboratories can fail to achieve consensus on the BOD of the same samples. It also showcases the benefits of in-situ fluorescence BOD monitoring for observing process dynamics and efficiency in the treatment process as well as the importance of a robust site calibration alongside the application of global calibrations based on environment.

In many ways this paper is presenting data that has never been seen before but yet is also beginning to scratching the surface of a field that is just opening up to scrutiny and investigation. In-situ fluorescence is a real game-changer in the field of water quality, allowing parameters to be monitored and investigated at a resolution that was previously unattainable.

We look forward to many more publications utilising The Proteus’ robust technology to research and provide new insights to a variety of water quality applications worldwide.