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Proteus Instruments provides a variety of services designed to elevate your usage of their instruments, ultimately saving you precious time and streamlining your efforts.

With a wealth of product and application expertise, Proteus Instruments can streamline workflows, saving customers valuable time and effort. Moreover, by ensuring the highest quality of data generation and avoiding sensor downtime, enabling customers to trust the reliability and accuracy of their measurements. This helps to promote efficiency and productivity in various industries, including scientific research, environmental monitoring, and process control. By providing these additional services, Proteus Instruments strive to deliver a comprehensive solution that exceeds customer expectations and delivers exceptional value.

    Our team of experienced and highly skilled installation engineers are on hand to provide support, advice and, if required, undertake the installation for you worldwide. We can devise installation plans for bespoke applications and can provide solutions for even the most difficult applications.


    For long-term installations, we recommend a site calibration is undertaken to improve measurement accuracy. Proteus Instruments can provide advice and devise a calibration program for you. Alternatively, we can undertake every aspect of the calibration.


    Our team of environmental scientists provide a comprehensive consultancy and data analysis service, covering all aspects of water quality and environmental monitoring. We can provide a rapid response service in the event of pollution incidents, monitoring the impact extent and tracking water quality recovery.


    Onsite and offsite training can be provided for all aspects of the Proteus Instruments range - from the science underpinning the technology through to the installation, application and interpretation of any data outputs.

  • 05 DATA ONLY

    A hassle free solution - Proteus installation, calibration , maintenance and data quality control all performed by our team of highly skilled engineers, technicians and scientists. Let us know the parameters you want measured and the site location then leave the rest up to us.


    All Proteus instruments can be provided with a comprehensive maintenance plan. Covering all ancillary products required for calibration and on-going maintenance of the sensor or a full support service that can maintain the sensor systems operating performance and minimize lifecycle cost.

  • 07 RENTALS

    In addition to purchase, you can also rent the Proteus multiprobe. Our rental instruments can be loaded with up to 30 parameters including BOD, COD and coliforms (total, faecal, E. coli) and can come with optional portable self-powered or externally powered telemetry solutions with true roaming sim-cards and blue-tooth connectivity.

  • 08 SUPPORT

    All the support you need with our training videos, calibration guides, safety data sheets, software to download. Also our range of manuals