Calibration Services

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A white laboratory with 2 proteus sensors being held in silver clamps. One is in a clear beaker of water the other is showing pink liquid in. A shelf unit sits underneath


Calibration is an essential step in ensuring accurate and reliable measurements over an extended period of time. For long-term installations, the effects of environmental factors, such as temperature and humidity, can cause significant deviations in the accuracy of the measurements. Therefore, it is crucial to perform regular calibrations to maintain the measurement accuracy.

At Proteus Instruments, we understand the importance of accurate and reliable measurements in various industries, and we are committed to providing our clients with the best possible services to achieve their goals. We offer expert advice and customised calibration programs. 

Based on the results of the analysis, we can devise a calibration program that suits your needs, ranging from a simple calibration check to a more comprehensive calibration program. Your personnel can also have the necessary calibration equipment and training to perform the calibrations in-house, giving you greater control over your measurements and reducing downtime.

With our extensive experience and expertise in the field, you can trust Proteus Instruments to deliver accurate and reliable calibration services, ensuring the long-term success of your installations.

Proteus Instruments lab, wall showing the company logo in black and a graphic of a blue wave. A man stands to the right of the photo in a blue lab coat holding a Proteus in a large beaker with a laptop next to him.

calibration services

Development of a calibration plan and schedule

Installation of refrigerated, MCERTS automatic samplers to avoid any sample degradation influencing the calibration procedure

Collection of samples from monitoring locations across the UK

Analysis of BOD/DOC/COD/TOC in UKAS accredited laboratory (ISO17025)

Update calibration curve and necessary logs

Talk to our experts

Expert Advice and Calibration Programs