The team at Proteus Instruments are so pleased to have won the Water Dragons Highly commended Award from Future Water!

Rob with Water Dragons Award infront of screen with our cartoon design
Future Water launched Water Dragons in 2008. It provides a unique opportunity for companies to pitch product, service or process innovations to a panel of senior water company executives and industry specialists, the ‘Water Dragons’. Now in its fourteenth year, Water Dragons continues to evolve.

The panel of judges or ‘dragons’ are different for each heat and are drawn from a variety of water companies, businesses, industry and academia. The dragons from this heat came from the Environment Agency, Isle Utilities, Dwr Cymru, Thames, CIWEM, Southwest Water, Yorkshire Water and Water Dragons sponsor Hydrosave.

Innovations put before the Water Dragons must be able to demonstrate clear and distinct benefits and presenters needed to explain how their innovation can make or save money for their clients – the water companies.

The 2022 Awards Reception was held on the 22nd March 2022, supported by the Environment agency. This award represents the true level of innovation shown by Proteus.

Commenting on the judge’s outcome, Alastair Moseley, Water Dragon Judge Chair & Future Water Board Member said:
“I am also delighted that the judges awarded highly commended to Proteus for pushing forward the boundaries of monitoring across our environment.”