Proteus instruments is helping clients to monitor pollution events occurring around a shellfish cultivation area to enhance health protection and gather data on the sources of pollution.
A Proteus instrument configured with Tryptophan, Turbidity, Temperature, pH, Conductivity and Dissolved Oxygen sensors, and our Total Coliform, E.coli and Faecal coliform calibrations was deployed in the fishery from an existing pontoon.
The client chose to use the Proteus in conjunction with our solar powered telemetry system for a remote data feed via our cloud based platform.
Data from Proteus has enabled the client to better plan for harvesting based upon actual water quality conditions at the site. The data is also being presented to regulators to highlight the damaging impact of sewage outflows to the environmental and public health of the estuary.
Whilst the shellfish themselves are tested for E.coli twice per month, following the guidance from CEFAS, the enhanced, real-time water quality data has been a powerful tool for contextualising the numbers of coliforms ingested. Previously, the cost of routine water quality monitoring was excessive given the need to pay for a 3rd party to conduct sampling and analysis, with results taking too long to enable a call on harvesting to be made in confidence.

The Proteus and its breakthrough technology for real-time fluorescence based coliforms monitoring allows our client to continually monitor and make decisions on operations that were not possible before, meaning less financial loss and public health risks. The enhanced assurance offered by this information has added a premium to their product.
Get in touch to learn more about Proteus state-of-the-art, in-situ fluorometer sensor technology and how to effectively track coliform concentrations in your application.
Flexibility, connectivity and integration are at the heart of Proteus technology with options for a wide variety of Water Quality parameters, use with a flow cell, in open water as a spot reader, or permanently mounted. Data can output via log file, PC connection, handheld android Bluetooth display, 3G telemetry, Modbus into SCADA or SDI-12.