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Multiparameter Sensors

An award-winning, patented, multi-parameter, real-time sensor platform to accurately and reliably measure BOD, COD, TOC and Coliforms (total, E. coli or faecal) in permanent and temporary applications.

Telemetry & Monitoring Systems

A comprehensive range of telemetry and monitoring outstations for the provisions of the Environment Act. These include portable, pumped, kiosk and PLC-based systems that can run on mains or battery/solar power. 


A range of accessories for multiparameter sondes for ease of deployment, data transfer, calibration and storage.  Accessories include underwater cables, protective carry cases, flow cells and data transfer options.

Data Buoys

Data Buoys are ideal for supporting both topside and subsurface monitoring sensors including multi-parameter sondes. Suitable for deployment in a range of freshwater or marine environments.