In order to allow you to innovate, you need access to the latest technology. In addition to purchase, you can also rent the Proteus Instruments multiparameter sensor which is one of the most innovative developments in water quality monitoring for the last 20 years. Our rental instruments can be loaded with up to 30 parameters including BOD, COD and coliforms (total, faecal, E. coli) and can come with optional portable self-powered or externally powered telemetry solutions with true roaming sim-cards and blue-tooth connectivity. This will allow you to use your Proteus literally anywhere in the world without concerns over power or signal. Simply connect the Proteus to the telemetry unit, switch it on and control remotely over the internet.
The Proteus can be used for a whole range of applications include WWTP flow/load surveys, compliance monitoring, pollution monitoring and bathing water studies.
rental services
Low CAPEX costs if you only need it for a short period of time
Allows you to try the latest technology
Allows you to use the best instrument in the marketplace
No maintenance costs – unit is fully calibrated before despatch
Rent-to-Own schemes available
Talk to our experts
Monitor anywhere in the world with our rental services