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Calibration of an in-situ fluorescence-based sensor platform for reliable BOD5 measurement in wastewater.

Reliance on biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) as an indicator of wastewater quality has hindered the development of efficient process control due to the associated uncertainty and lag-times. Surrogate measurements have been proposed, with fluorescence spectroscopy a promising technique . . .

Advances in quantifying microbial contamination in potable water: Potential of fluorescence-based sensor technology.

Improved monitoring of potable water is essential if we are to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG6: to make clean water and sanitation available to all. Typically monitoring of potable water requires laboratory analysis to detect indicators of fecal pollution, such as thermotolerant coliforms (TTCs), Escherichia coli (E. coli), or intestinal enterococci. However, these analyses are time-consuming and expensive . . .

In situ tryptophan-like fluorometers: assessing turbidity and temperature effects for freshwater applications.

Tryptophan-like fluorescence (TLF) is an indicator of human influence on water quality as TLF peaks are associated with the input of labile organic carbon (e.g. sewage or farm waste) and its microbial breakdown. Hence, real-time measurement of TLF could be particularly useful for monitoring water quality at a higher temporal resolution than available hitherto. However, current understanding of TLF quenching/interference . . .